Patrick Alexander (17)

Banana Cake

AKA Coaster 58. Here's Tobias and Jube having a picnic, in the non-shade of a tree, across the water from a Bentenjima. "What is that?" you ask. "What is one of those?"

As always, I have perfectly anticipated your needs and made a video about this drawing that explains everything. I promise you will come away from it having learned something, or at least having laughed at the bits where I made funny noises or gave a bit of a ribbing to the Almighty. All in good fun, ho ho!

Don't forget to Like with your fingers as well as your feelings, and subscribe to the channel to be a #1 Cool Potato. And Super Top Best Likery Enthusiasts can support me on Ko-fi, lucky them! To any and all of these acts, I can only say: thank.

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Repeated shapes in (mostly my) art

Here's a video in which I talk yet more about that Moon Bonk drawing, then some of my other drawings (mostly featuring our old friend Raymondo Person), then tangentially explain the meaning of life, and round it all off by shovelling heartfelt yet specific praise onto one of my favourite artworks. Somehow it all makes sense. If you're interested in my work and/or ideas, you'll probably enjoy it.

Oh, and there be japes and chortles too, needless to say.

Pretty good thumbnail, hey? Anyway, this actually went up on YouTube a couple of weeks ago, and I remembered to post it everywhere but here. Oops. (Of course you can bypass much of my incompetence by subscribing to the channel.)

Thanks to my real Ko-fi supporters (not the hilarious pretend ones in the video) for doing their part in the eternal war against insufficient content.

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Moon Bonk

...For want of a better title. Coaster 57 in my off-and-on coaster/postcard project, featuring Tobias and Jube having a midnight mishap with a see-saw. Ain't it the way!

Should you desire to observe the entire drawing process set to relaxing music (also by me), followed by 20 minutes of mucking about with pens, you need only watch the embedded youtube video below... or better yet, click the "Watch on YouTube" bit, so you can leave a thumbs-up and a nice comment afterwards.

Also: subscribe to the channel, join my Ko-fi, and/or get the lovely music from the video in my Ko-fi shop or on Bandcamp. It's free, unless you want to pay for it, in which case I generously permit you to do so!

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Secret Fox

Coaster drawing of Tobias and Jube discovering a fox guardian statue at an Inari shrine

Here's Tobias and Jube exploring an Inari shrine on a drink coaster, or rather, an art board disguised as a drink coaster. Drawn on January 23rd of this year, as you can clearly see.

What's that? You wish you could watch me draw this whole illustration from start to finish? And learn about the tools I used? And hear more about why I'm drawing on drink coasters to begin with? Well that's all quite demanding, but as it happens, you're in luck!

Click through to YouTube and subscribe to my channel, if you like, and join my Ko-fi to grab the cute section break tunes that I made for this video, as a thank-you present.

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